It is a strange time for us all right now but finding ways to stay positive and uplifted are important to keep spirits high. Easter is just over a week away and is a great excuse to have some fun whether you have little ones or not. We’re sharing some of the ways we’re going to be celebrating this year with our tasty Easter recipes and some of our team’s favourite Easter activities.

1. Indulge yourself
One of the things many of us look forward to at Easter is the arrival of the Easter Bunny and all his delicious chocolate eggs. It may not be a conventional Easter this year but we think treating yourself to an egg or two is a great way to mark the occasion and should be done utterly guilt-free. Whilst we endorse eating a healthy balanced diet and partaking in regular exercise, we also think it’s important to relax the rules now and again and what better time is there to do that than at Easter?

2. Stick to the Easter classics
We may be in lockdown but that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy some of your favourite Easter recipes such as Hot Cross Buns or Roast Lamb this year. They’re both staples of any Easter celebration but did you know that they’re both surprisingly easy to master?
Both our recipes require a little patience to get the best results but they’re definitely worth the wait! There are two stages of proving involved when baking our Hot Cross Buns so make sure you start nice and early if you plan to make and enjoy these on the same day and if you plan to follow our roast lamb recipe, don’t be tempted to skip the resting time as this allows your joint to reabsorb the juices it lost during cooking for beautifully tender meat.
What you’ll need to make Roast Lamb
3. Sprinkle a little Easter magic
If you’re entertaining children over the Easter weekend there are loads of great and inexpensive ways to keep them busy. An Easter egg hunt in the garden is fun for children of all ages and if the weather takes a turn for the worst can easily be moved inside. If the children are a little older why not make it into a treasure hunt with clues and riddles to work out? There are lots of great ideas here to try.
Alternatively why not try painting eggs (just remember to hard boil them first!), hosting a game of Easter bingo or a bunny hop sack race outside?

4. Become an Easter star baker
If you fancy a little healthy competition this Easter weekend then why not host your very own Easter special of the Bake Off in your kitchen? The task is simple, all you need to do is create an Easter-themed bake that not only looks amazing but tastes it too. It’s a good way to stay busy, you’ll have lots of delicious treats to enjoy at the end of it and if there are any disasters we’re sure there will be plenty of giggles to be had too!
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