Making the change to plastic-free alternatives can sometimes be a daunting task, but there are lots of easy swaps you can make to help reduce the impact we have on our planet that will fit into your daily routine seamlessly. We have tried, tested and adopted all of these swaps in our own lives so are confident that they’re changes that everyone can make regardless of age, job or lifestyle!

Keep straws from our oceans
You may have noticed that bars, cafes and restaurants across the country have been removing their plastic straws and replacing these with paper alternatives. Another easy swap to make at home, invest in glass or metal straws that will last for years to come and prevent plastic straws ending up in our oceans. Another easy alternative to plastic straws are those made of paper, and with a whole array of patterns and colours available they are the perfect way to add a pop of colour to your drinks – just make sure you check they’re either recyclable or even better, biodegradable.
Say goodbye to unnecessary packaging
Towns all over the UK are seeing the arrival of refill shops and several leading supermarkets are adopting refill stations in store to help you avoid the unnecessary plastic packaging that comes with your weekly shop. To make the most of these refill stations you’ll need to take your own containers with you and opting for something with an air-tight lid will make transporting your goods home a breeze. Make your ingredients work twice as hard at home by turning them into a stylish display with the use of glass jars, freeing up your containers for your next trip to the shop.

Drinks on-the-go
Since Blue Planet hit our screens, we are all more aware than ever of the level of plastic we’re consuming and a common example are the single-use plastic drinks bottles we buy when we’re on the move. Swapping to a reusable bottle is a simple change that is easy to implement and not only will it save you money, with so many colours to choose from it is also a great way to express your style and personality!
Picking a double walled thermally insulated stainless steel bottle will help keep your cold drinks chilled and your hot ones warm so whether you’re staying hydrated at the park or keeping warm on a hike, a reusable bottle is a must.
Coffee lover? This one applies to you!
Did you know that in the UK alone 2.5 billion single-use coffee cups are used each year? Changing to a reusable coffee cup will contribute to a huge global movement that is moving away from disposable cups and it could even safe you a bob or two when grabbing your next coffee as more and more coffee shops rewarding customers who bring their own reusable cup with discounted prices.
Get creative in the kitchen
If you fancy a change to water and don’t like tea, coffee or hot drinks you may find yourself buying bottled flavoured drinks to sip on throughout the day. These are often laden with hidden sugars and synthetic flavourings, but more importantly – most come in plastic bottles. Instead of buying the fizzy pop, try chopping up some of your favourite fruits and herbs and infusing in a carafe with some water for a few hours for a tasty drink without all the bad stuff. The combinations are endless so let your creative juices flow!

Pack your bags
Since the introduction of the carrier bag levy across the UK the number of single-use plastic bags has dropped significantly, but with reports that numbers are starting to creep up again it’s important that we all remember to take our reusable bags with us when we shop. Choose a design that you love and you won’t want to leave home without it. We keep a couple in the car just in case when we’re out and about, as it is often on these spur of the moment dashes to the shops that we’re caught short. They’re also great for doubling up as makeshift seats when the grass is a bit damp on picnics, or for getting mucky boots home after football as they’re easy to wash and reuse.
Picnic in the park
Picnics and BBQs are culprits guilty of creating lots of plastic waste but don’t fret, we aren’t about to suggest you stop your al fresco gatherings altogether. Simply swap your plastic plates and cups for bamboo alternatives that can be used time and time again to keep plastic waste to a minimum, and the best bit? They can all be popped in the dishwasher when you get home for easy no fuss cleaning.

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